District 9

Anya and I took Holly and went on an afternoon hike with the Sidhu family around the Thetis Lake.  Holly was all tuckered out, so Anya and I decided to go on a little date.  It felt like putting the kid to bed and going on a sweet dusk cruise.  Anyway, District 9 came to mind, so we went and watched it.  It was pure awesomeness!

Distric 9 is not just a movie.  It is a broadcaster to against racial prejudice.  Wikus Van De Merwe is not just a character.  He is a victim of Apartheid.  The movie has so many layers that it kept me thinking from the beginning to the end.  I even forgot to eat the beef jerky we brought with us!  Now, that tells you something really caught my attention!  The action in the movie was entertaining.  I love it how the alien weapons are always 100 times better than human weapons.  It’s also got that Cloverfield documentary style for a little while, so if you felt dizzy from Cloverfield, be warned.  I wish there was more of that giant mothership action though, but hey, it was in a lot of the scenes.

Ok, seriously, watch District 9.