The Information Diet

Lately, I’ve been researching on topics about linkages between information and calorie consumption, informatics and obesity, and psychological and social behaviours of overconsumption (of either information or fast food).  The book, Thinking in Circles About Obesity, has offered me a different way of thinking about our supersized population and how we got here.  Systems thinking is one of the systems theories I’ll be using in my thesis, and this book has been very timely to my research. 

An information and calorie consumption related article from LinkedIn Today caught my attention this morning.  I love reading weekly articles from LinkedIn Today.  They have topics from various sources on office strategies, managerial tactics, leadership discussions, etc.  The article, I’m Going on an Information Diet, written by Andrea Zellner, caught my attention immediately.  Below is an introductory video on the book, The Information Diet.  It looks like a worthwhile book to read.